Day 11 – Salt Lake City, UT

Day 11 May 12, Salt Lake City, Utah   Earl and Ethel took three pictures in Salt Lake City.   Two were at the Utah State Capitol and one at the LDS Temple. We took duplicate photos at each location they did.  As described in our web-tab “Camera,” all of their honeymoon photos were exterior ones. There were challenges taking interior flash photos. Their camera type required “using a match and a flash-stick!”

One of their photos for the Capitol was near an entrance. They certainly had to have gone in for a look! We did and were immediately captured by its beauty and color.  As it was a Saturday, we found too that the Capitol was a favorite location for pre- and post-wedding parties to have their photos taken.  This seemed fitting for our story about a honeymoon!  We even got to witness a surprise marriage proposal right under the rotunda.  How cool is that!

Utah State Capitol



She said “Yes!”

We did not get inside the LDS Temple, but did get inside the Tabernacle where the famed choir performs.  We missed an organ recital by 40 minutes. Better planning for next time!

North Gate Later Day Saints Temple

Lynn & Carl at North Gate LDS Temple

We arrived in Salt Lake on Friday night.  In nine days of travel since leaving Oconto, WI we put on 2200 miles which works out to about 245 miles a day.  We previously calculated that over the 30 days of their travel Earl and Ethel averaged 220 miles a day!  We need to slow down a bit and over the next week we plan to divert a little from the route we suspect they took through central Utah to Bryce National Park.  We plan to stop at three other national parks in Utah that did not exist in 1937: Arches, Canyonlands Capital Reef plus Bridges National Monument.  We plan to travel blog as we can but the last two parks are fairly remote and may be “off the grid.”  Stay tuned.




One thought on “Day 11 – Salt Lake City, UT

  1. Lori Ann Olson

    I’m sure enjoying your trip. I shared it with David last Monday when waiting for Mom to get out of surgery. We did get to enjoy the organ recital the first time we visited with Grandma Rasmussen. Also heard the “pin drop”. Your rain looks cool. We had temps around 100 degrees.

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